We receive enquiries of many different types and our reception staff will do all they can to either put an enquiry into the hands of the relevant team, or to take a number to enable an appropriate person can call you back. On some occasions the person calling you will ring you from a number that is different from the one you called to make your enquiry. If you screen your telephone calls, you may see a number for Worcestershire, Warwickshire or Gloucestershire when we ring you, depending upon which of our offices a member of staff is calling from that day.
We welcome all enquiries. We will do our best to identify whether your enquiry is relevant to our areas of expertise. Where is possible we provide guidance on the likely cost of a specific piece of work. Our team dealing with that type of work will be happy to explain to you what fees apply and how they are worked out to enable you to decide whether you want to take matters further.
To help new enquiries reach the correct person we will “triage” our calls. This means that because the receptionist has only a few moments between calls, you will be put through to someone who will ask you about the enquiry, or we will arrange for you to receive a call back. These triage conversations are not charged for, and are not intended as a professional consultation, but are invaluable to enable us to understand what kind of enquiry you are making and how we can help.
Enquiries about property sales and purchase, wills, probates, powers of attorney, family law, and employment law will usually be directed to the relevant staff at our firm. Each team will deal with your enquiry personally and they will explain if charges will apply in the future. For other enquiries and disputes that require professional time to unravel them (and you may not know which is the relevant area of law) we are likely to propose that you see a lawyer for a fixed fee appointment. Assuming that we need to meet with you for 30 to 60 minutes we would typically charge £250 plus VAT for that first appointment to learn more about your problem and to identify what might be done for you.
Occasionally professional rules require us to decline to act in a property purchase if we already act for the seller, or to decline to act in a dispute if we already act for the otherside. We will want to check with you at an early stage if there is any conflict of interests. We will also raise with you the need for identification. We are almost always obliged to inspect identification documents when instructed to advise or represent a client.
Thank you for considering Thomson & Bancks Solicitors. We are happy to hear from you.
01242 235250
Opening Hours:
Disabled access at Pershore branch