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COVID–19 Operation FAQs – Thomson & Bancks Solicitors

March 31, 2020

While we are all being advised to “Stay home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.” we wanted to reassure our new and existing clients that we are still here to help you and your family.

Over the last week, we have received a number of enquiries and wanted to share our frequently asked questions

Are you still operating?

Yes, our lawyers and key support staff are working remotely enabling us to answer your emails and take your calls. Our telephones are operational and enable us to connect to our Partners and staff.

As we cannot come into the office, can you still assist us?

Yes, we have electronic systems in place to continue to provide legal services to our clients.


COVID–19 Operation FAQs

We made an offer on a property just before the movement restrictions came into force, can we still start the conveyancing process?

Yes, we can make all the preparations for your conveyancing, conduct the searches and investigations electronically and advise you.

My house completion is due, can I still move?

Yes, you can move house, with the cooperation of your buyer and/or seller we can still make it happen for you; although the government does advise postponing if possible. This is, of course, subject to any further changes to current government guidance.


COVID–19 Operation FAQs

Due to the current health crisis, I would like to make a will, can I do this?

Yes, you can make a will. We can discuss your options, draft documents and send them to you with our instructions to enable them to be signed, witnessed and put in place.

I was considering setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, can I do this now?

Yes, you can take steps regarding powers of attorney and we can advise you.

You were dealing with the estate of my late relative, can you continue to proceed?

Yes, we can progress the administration of an estate although there may be delays when corresponding with third parties.

If someone passes away during this time, can I discuss with someone?

Yes, you can give to us information about someone who has died, their Will and their assets, and we can advise you.


COVID–19 Operation FAQs

I made enquiries regarding family law recently, can you still assist?

Yes, we can advise you on divorce, children and financial matters.


COVID–19 Operation FAQs

I had an accident and was looking to start a claim, can I still do this?

Yes, you can still ask us to help with your accident claims.


COVID–19 Operation FAQs

I own my own business and would like to take care of paperwork while we are unable to open, can you help?

Yes, we can help businesses with their commercial property, contracts and disputes.


We are willing to be creative about how we hold discussions with you and how work is progressed. We are still working hard for our clients and whilst we pride ourselves on being local, trusted and dedicated we are also ready, willing and able to assist you during this time.

If you have any questions or concerns that we have not addressed, please get in touch by telephone or by submitting a contact form on our website.

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