Thomson & Bancks are celebrating their long and distinguished history with the development of a fresh and modern approach to brand identity.
Here at Thomson & Bancks we have reinforced our client-focused values by adopting one simple philosophy; “You Matter To Us.”
Complimenting his team of experienced professionals, Managing Partner David Greer said, “Thomson & Bancks Solicitors are a team of experienced, forward thinking, and approachable lawyers. Our differentiator has always been how we treat our clients, and nothing has changed there; they are simply what matters to us. We have refreshed the way we share those values with our clients to be sure that our new branding truly communicates this philosophy. We are grateful for the trust placed in us and our predecessors over the last two centuries and the present generation of lawyers will continue to act for clients and future clients with the independence and professional integrity for which we are well known.”
With long established offices in Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire and Pershore, Worcestershire, Thomson & Bancks can also be found opposite Cheltenham Town Hall in Imperial Square where they offer legal services to both businesses and individuals.
Partner Paul Johnson explains “With our history and dedication to clients, Thomson & Bancks are for many clients the first choice for legal services in Worcestershire, Gloucestershire and the surrounding areas. To stay at the forefront of our profession we have invested in a new brand identity that captures our ethos perfectly. We are local experts providing a trusted and dedicated service to our clients, as we continue to uphold the ‘you matter to us’ ethos.”
The evolution of the Thomson & Bancks brand has been distributed online and throughout marketing materials, signage at all three branch locations, as well as internal and external documents.
The brand new, responsive website design allows an optimal viewing and interaction experience with easy reading and navigation across a wide range of devices (From desktop monitors to mobiles and tablets.)
Our twitter page has also had a facelift which shall consistently apply to all social media accounts. You can now keep up-to-date on relevant local news, legal updates and day-to-day activities at our Tewksbury, Pershore and Cheltenham branches.
To get our core message across, it was very important for us to come up with slogans that promptly represent our ethos. ‘You Matter To Us’ refers to an understanding approach to our clients’ needs and the importance of building strong relationships. ‘Local, trusted, dedicated’ ties in our core message and highly regarded reputation within the community.
Setting ourselves apart with clear differentiators, Thomson & Bancks have built a large team of experienced professionals offering both business and individual services. Support for businesses may involve handling agreements or disputes, commercial property or employment issues. Support for individuals can range from the buying and selling of a home, to injury claims, employment problems or the writing of wills and administering estates after death. Further areas of expertise are available.
Now with a fresh and exciting brand that truly reflects the Thomson & Bancks philosophy, a concerted effort to build on the trust developed with clients over the past 185 years can continue and the firm can ensure a bright and prosperous future for itself and its clients.
Responsive website, Twitter and slogan/banner branding
Follow @TBsolicitors on Twitter
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us for a free, no obligation enquiry.