November 25, 2021
Family Law Solicitor Chrys Wall is offering a free guide for local families who are going through divorce or separation. The “Parenting Through Separation” Guide is written by family professionals, advising parents on how to put their children first during a separation. The guide has been launched during Good Divorce Week, which runs from 29th November to the 3rd December, run by national family justice organisation Resolution. This year the focus of Good Divorce Week is parenting through separation.
Thomson & Bancks’ Chrys joins thousands of family professionals nationwide to launch the “Parenting Through Separation” Guide, aimed to raise awareness of how families can separate amicably.
Chrys said: “We know that the pandemic has put huge pressure on families, and even more so on those who are separating. Every parent wants to prioritise their children’s interests, but all too often they don’t know where to turn for help and aren’t given the support they need in order to do this.
“It’s important for parents to have access to good, authoritative and professional advice that helps them to parent responsibly through their separation. We hope separating parents will use the Parenting Through Separation Guide to help find a better way forward for them, and for their children.”
The free guide is available to any parent seeking help during their separation. The guide is available to download and sent via email. It can also be handed out upon request from any of our branches. Within contains advice about how to co-parent with a former partner, background on the common disputes that arise between separating parents, and how to talk to children about the painful topic of divorce or separation, plus much more.
Juliet Harvey, National Chair of Resolution, said: “I’m really pleased to have such great support during Good Divorce Week from Resolution’s members. Our members do really important work in their community to help families separate in a constructive and amicable way. The more families who know about and use the free Parenting Through Separation Guide, the better equipped they will be to navigate the challenges divorce and separation brings, particularly when it comes to putting children first.”
The guide provides top tips for discussing divorce with your children:
Contact Thomson & Bancks to learn more about the “Parenting Through Separation” Guide, and for legal support through all family law matters.
Chrys is an experienced Solicitor, specialising in Family Law; relationship breakdowns, divorces, financial matters, Children and cases involving domestic violence. She is accredited by the organisation “Resolution”, certified to assist in Financial Provision and Children Law work. Details of the organisation Resolution can be found here.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us for a free, no obligation enquiry.